A Post On Marie Kondo And Books

This is the space where a blog post on the whole Marie Kondo and books thing should sit. However, what you will get instead is just me writing some words that vaguely relate to the whole situation in a massive run-on-sentences because I have a lot of feelings, A LOT of feelings, about this whole situation and I think if I actually wrote them down I would end up getting into one of those ridiculous Twitter fights or someone would call me a name or someone would feel like they know me and make judgments about my background and status and upbringing and all of those things which will apparently reflect my strong feelings about books and the Marie Kondo situation. 

Because I have a lot of books, many books, and I keep getting more of them and some I have purchased and some I have been given, and some I have found and some are in English and some are in French and some are in Italian and when I was young it was really not easy to find English books where I grew up and having a book in English was a special special treat and I am not going to get into it because if I get into it, it will, as I say start some ridiculous Twitter fight about elitism and academia and the value of the printed word and then I will try to not be offended as a sensory scholar because I like to think about and study tactility as it relates to words and the representation of words and that apparently there is good and a bad way to think about this which I didn't know about until Marie Kondo and Netflix apparently. 

Instead of just leaving it alone and not touching this whole situation I am going to write more run-on sentences because I have unfollowed at least 5 people this week because I realized that I can't follow them anymore because it's all just too much because of books because of what books represent, or don't represent, because of the whole situation that I don't want to get into- you know because it will cause a bunch of words to be said that people will feel bad about and then can't take back because at the end of the day it may not even be about books but about the actual words inside them and how words mean things like "joy" and how the etymology of joy is from the Latin gaudia which actually means "sensual delight" so that joy is actually a sensual thing that could relate to the tactile, but I shouldn't get into this as I say because WORDS MATTER and maybe we need to start thinking about words and mattering and joy and access and ethics and perspective and books and tangibility and Giles in season 1 of Buffy when he says "books smell.. the getting of knowledge should be smelly" (found here if you don't know what I am talking about) but then that brings up other issues like Luddism and craft and employment and how a lot of people don't actually know what that means but they think they do like Inigo Montoyo and "you keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means" and tell us what you really mean, and tell us how you really feel about this situation. 

And so you see I can't really write about Marie Kondo and books because it's all connected, it's all words, important words, and I need to get back to the book I am reading. 


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