
Showing posts from 2015

Mandatory End of Semester Post

Of Time and Academe

Reflections on Class in Academe

Social Media Tools You Can Use

Catching Up: Mindfulness, Pedagogy, and Practice

The Narratives We Write

Artifact: Etymology as Rhizoskills and Rhizopractice

Of “Air Quotes” and Hand Gestures in Academia

Filter Bubbles and Invasive Weeds: What Can’t We See in #Rhizo15

Teaching & Design: myths, content, and why we are all Dave

We’re so Busy, Measuring Academic Time in #Rhizo15

My #Rhizo15 Node Picture

You’re Doing it Wrong: Design, Learning, Pedagogy and the Spaces Between

Everything is Subjective: A “Timely” #Rhizo15 post for Week 1

Is Teaching a Trade?

My Saturday of Craft