A Confluence of Texts
There’s a lot of fun to be had with collective nouns. Usually collective noun discussions come from discussions of animals, you know the usual, a herd of cattle, a murder of crows. Well yesterday I was the recipient of what I will call a confluence of texts- let me explain.
I am the type of person who deletes texts off my list on a fairly regular basis if the series of texts does not come from someone whom I text regularly so it would be time efficient for me to keep their texts. For example, I keep my partner, my 2 best friends, and another friend I text regularly and that’s it. So if you open the messaging app you will only see 4 names there at any one time. For some who have seen my phone that makes it look like I have no friends, or at least a very few, which is not necessarily incorrect. I am not the person who has hundreds of folk on her FB. I have 75. But I digress from my main point.
Yesterday I received texts from people that I only rarely hear from and it was nice. It was nice because a few months ago when I deleted my old work email from my phone it also deleted my address book and I lost everyone’s number. I asked folk on FB to text me their number but few responded. I took this as an opportunity to minimalize my contacts but there are still people where I wish I had their number.
It was nice reflecting on this confluence of texts in my messaging app. Some started with me doing that awkward “lost my contacts who dis?” dance but still it allowed me to realize how many people I know that I don’t reach out to or see very often. The holidays are usually a time where people get together with friends and family. I have about 11 days off which is not a lot of time but still much more than many have and I recognize how privileged I am to have those days. I want to try to use that time to rest and catch up on needed sleep but also to see people I haven’t seen in a while or people I don’t get to hang out with outside of meetings.
Sometimes you need a confluence of texts to remind you of that. Sometimes you should keep your texts and not delete them to remind you of how lucky you are to have those people around. #RealFriends
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