Surveying Our Educational Spaces

Probably a shorter post this week because my energy levels are really low. I took some time on my lunch hour this week to walk around campus. It was a short walk because it had been raining all day and the break in the clouds suggested that more rain was on its way. As I was walking there were many students, faculty, and staff out, going to their next class, talking to friends, and some just hanging out alone on a bench in a mask. As I was surveying this scenario the kinds of gaps present in support became apparent. 

  • I could see how some students were still unsure where anything was in terms of buildings.
  • I could see how there is probably need for more outdoor accessible seating that is spaced out. 
  • I could see how there is probably need for more accessible programming (in both the accessibility sense of the word and in the easier to access sense of the word) to help students find groups or people who share their interests.
  • I could see how there is a need for outdoor plugs for students who want to use their laptops or phones outside and have run out of power. 
  • I could see how there was a definitely need for more garbage, recycling, and compost bins on campus. 
And these are just the visible gaps I could survey. There are probably double the amount of invisible gaps in supports that each person, student, staff, faculty, librarian was carrying in their walks outside. I started thinking about who needs to be told about these gaps and whether or not they already knew about these gaps and just simply didn't do anything about it or said they couldn't do anything about it because of budget or staffing or another reason. But the thing is I would never know unless I asked, so I asked. 

So I guess this week I am asking you to survey your educational spaces to see what gaps are present and who could be told about these gaps and barriers to support inclusivity in our spaces. I am not just talking outside, I am talking classrooms and in buildings too. 

  • Are the automatic door openers working? If not put in a ticket
  • Is the podium computer or projector not working well? Again put in a ticket
  • Are the batteries dead in the lavalier mic? Then again put in a ticket please and don't say you will just project your voice, always use the mic.
A lot of the gaps and barriers that happen on campus are because someone did not take a moment to ask the person who is responsible to support, be it IT, facilities, accessibility services, or student union, to address the gaps. I know you may be thinking well that's more work I have to do, that's more time on me. And yes, yes it is. But it also makes you an ethical community member dedicated to supporting inclusion in this one small way. So much of what the world is facing right now is because of selfish Capitalist decision making, let's try to break that cycle of not caring with these small acts that can support others in the spaces we find ourselves in. 


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