Maybe It's a Poem
About how we use words
And don’t realize how words
Grow/ground around us
Nurtured just as readily in
as in love
Maybe it’s a poem about how folk
don’t care
about the words they use
Or even think about the words
the concepts, the pain, they
in meetings
Random mentions of things
that mean nothing to them
But oh so much to us
Maybe it is verses about being
By the buds on the tree
The words on the page you are
The sun in your face
Where if you look too quickly
without thought
halos appear
Round orbits of defined space
in a world of boundaries
Of limits
Of words
that hurt
That you don’t even realize when
you speak
Maybe it’s a poem
You speak to yourself
A mantra to try to stay well
when folk throw words at you
That bury deep
(This week I decided to poem my
blog post because it is poetry month and the thing I wanted to write about this
week, folk using words that are hurtful to others and not realizing it, was too
much to ask of myself to write in paragraph form this week. Be well everyone,
and be kind to each other).
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