Awareness In and As Pedagogy
Another blog for me this week instead of podcast (the podcast is coming next week). And this is mainly because of what the title of this blog suggests, awareness. I am trying to use even more awareness in the ways that I make decisions and the work that I do. So let me tell you a story, because sometimes stories are how we reinforce awareness. Usually if a topic for the blog doesn't come up during the week based on discussions I have had, or a thing I have read, then I use my walk to the farmer's market on Saturdays as my reflection time for a topic to write about. This week I had nothing to write about, and I was also becoming a bit concerned at how difficult it has been lately to come up with ideas or things to focus on. I was wondering if this was residual winter break impact or if it was simply the socio-political weight that has made it difficult to reflect on anything. As I was walking I started to become aware of something. We got a bit of snow the night before and some...