Collaborative Model and Broadcast Model
As I am creating content for the online course on New Media that I am designing I have been thinking about the types of things that automatically turn off a reader, student, or researcher when given information online.
One is too much text. When faced with pages and pages of text without a single visual, the reader usually skims the information and checks out by paragraph 3. I feel that simple visuals give the text break that is needed but also provide information in easily digestible and comprehensible nuggets. Too often instructors cannot bridge the gap from teaching in the classroom to designing and relating that information online because they feel ALL the information needs to be there in textual form.
At the same time there needs to be a transition on the part of the students. No longer will it be sufficient to coast and just recopy what is on the blackboard or PowerPoint slide. They must now actively participate and engage in their educational experience. The upside to this is also that they can create the pathways from theory to application by participating.
Below are the two very simple visuals that I created to introduce the students to a "new" way of learning. My hope is that they will instantly see the more egalitarian and ethical model of pedagogy that collaboration provides as opposed to the broadcast model.

One is too much text. When faced with pages and pages of text without a single visual, the reader usually skims the information and checks out by paragraph 3. I feel that simple visuals give the text break that is needed but also provide information in easily digestible and comprehensible nuggets. Too often instructors cannot bridge the gap from teaching in the classroom to designing and relating that information online because they feel ALL the information needs to be there in textual form.
At the same time there needs to be a transition on the part of the students. No longer will it be sufficient to coast and just recopy what is on the blackboard or PowerPoint slide. They must now actively participate and engage in their educational experience. The upside to this is also that they can create the pathways from theory to application by participating.
Below are the two very simple visuals that I created to introduce the students to a "new" way of learning. My hope is that they will instantly see the more egalitarian and ethical model of pedagogy that collaboration provides as opposed to the broadcast model.
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