Academic Associations Reflection Space
This may be a bit of a shorter post this week because this is a topic that I have discussed on this blog time and again, but I find myself compelled to give space to reflection on what academic associations do and do not do for us (mostly the last part). It is that time of the year where calls for papers go out for conferences that happen in summer and people scramble to get abstracts in and then they of course extend the date by a week or so (every time, or extend it three times because they don't realize that the reason no one is handing in abstracts is because they have completely lost faith and trust in that association, but I digress). There are so many things that one can say about academic associations and this call for papers scramble extension circle, but there are other connected things that I think that with the socio-cultural and socio-political things being the way that they are it behooves us (I do love a good opportunity to use behooves) to reflect on what exactly th...